Generally speaking, outbound marketing involves getting your marketing message to the largest number of people possible through advertising, cold calling, direct mail, and other aggressive techniques.
When you do inbound marketing, your message is more subtle. You attract people to your site who come because of a common interest or a desire to learn more. Today’s marketers prefer inbound rather than outbound marketing for a number of reasons.
The Price of Inbound vs. Outbound
The cost of outbound marketing can put it out of reach for smaller businesses. Inbound marketing is cheap or free, and anyone can do it.
You create your website, and it attracts prospects for you. You do most of the work on the front end building your site and traffic strategy rather than the continual daily work of outbound marketing.
People to Tune Out to Outbound Marketing
As a result, its techniques are often intrusive and annoying. People have begun to tune it out. Just think of all the junk mail you throw away on a daily basis. It’s estimated that around 44% of all direct mail is never opened. We have caller ID, spam filters, no-call lists, and other ways to ignore marketing that comes to us. Inbound marketing is more natural. You put your message in front of your target market, and they’re compelled by their own curiosity and interest to see what you have to offer.
The Value of Two-Way Communication
They post on the practice’s Facebook group or page, comment on blog posts, or take part in contests. When they participate, they become invested and engaged. People want to be in control of the information they get, and this makes them more receptive to your message.
Marketing for Non-Marketers
With inbound marketing, you provide valuable content that helps people, and they come to you. It’s not “selling” in the traditional sense, so it’s more appealing to those who hate the image of the pushy salesman and feel uncomfortable pushing their message.
The Downside of Inbound Marketing
The best marketing campaigns use both inbound and outbound marketing techniques. You might create a website and drive traffic to it, while also generating leads proactively by contacting prospects.
Getting Started - Action Steps for Your Next Coffee Break
- Take a couple minutes to watch this short and sweet video about the impact of ad blindness and information overload on online promotions, particularly outbound marketing.
- Pick two to four competitors who you suspect are running some pretty tight inbound marketing campaigns and spend a few minutes stalking each one to figure out what they’re up to. Hopping on their email list is the best thing to do as that will show you how they’ve got their autoresponder series set up. But it’s also worth following them on active social media platforms, taking a look at what keywords they rank for, etc.
Todd McCall
I help practices who are marketing professional services get the attention they deserve by developing an online presence that converts visitors into clients.
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