Jump Start Success: The Simple, Lean Marketing Plan for Solo and Small Firms
What if you could be sure that all of your practice’s marketing paid off?
Learn how to make a marketing plan for your practice that leads you towards increased clients and profits …ALL the time!
Listen to the Course Introduction
Regular Price: $187.00

Todd McCall
Digital Marketing Director
Dear Fellow Practice Marketer,
How much time are you spending on marketing your practice?
- An hour a day?
- A day a week?
- 80% of your time?
More importantly, do you know whether all those efforts are paying off?
Most people think about their marketing based on
- What the latest hot tactic is, or
- What they GUESSED worked in the past, or
In other words, jus what some guru is telling them they should do…
But where do you start?
Sound like it’s just too much work for you? It isn’t! I’ve put together a step-by-step course to guide you through the whole process.
The truth is, most practices are just HOPING that their marketing will work.
Some marketers create a plan, thinking that they’re being very strategic and professional.
But then they have trouble following through.
Sometimes, you just don’t know what worked and what didn’t.
If you don’t have a solid marketing plan, you’re probably throwing away your TIME and MONEY
The really successful marketers aren’t risk-takers. They know what’s going to work BEFORE they do it.
They plan out every part of their marketing so that they don’t waste their energy on things that don’t have a hope in succeeding.
And when they do have a set-back, they know where and why.
Then they’re able to quickly turn on a dime, changing what they do so that their next steps lead to success.
Even better, all their people know what to do too. So there’s no confusion. Nobody is doing rework because they didn’t ‘get it’ the first time.

Jump Start Success: The Simple, Lean Marketing Plan for Solo and Small Firms
In How to Create Your Marketing Plan, I’m going to walk you through all the steps in building a plan that will practically GUARANTEE that your marketing efforts lead you to higher sales.
Here’s what you’ll be achieving by the end:
- Do the research that tells you just what your market wants and where to find them.
- Set marketing goals that were meant to be achieved.
- Put together a mix of different marketing tactics that cover every part of your business.
- Draft a marketing budget, so you know exactly where to spend and how much.
- Finally, put everything together into a calendar and plans that you know you can implement RIGHT NOW.
Your plan doesn’t need to be as complicated as you think.
Instead, you’ll walk through a clear formula that we’ve put together based on proven BEST PRACTICES.
Don’t waste another minute floundering around in the dark with your marketing.
Sign up for How to Create Your Marketing Plan and you’ll be off and running with marketing that you KNOW will work, in no time.
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